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  • Writer's pictureSiv Harstad

Be my Virtual Antarctica Travel Buddy

Because we had our Dare to Dream Big expedition postponed only 10 days before leaving, my Solo Expedition have come together in a very short time.

Especially because the guys who we initially had a logistics agreement with decided I was not allowed to go on a Solo Expedition.. it was too dangerous for me to go without my expedition partner Håkon..

It's been a tough 6 weeks and now finally I'm able to make it happen, because I refused to give up on my dream. With this I also want to inspire you to go for your dream.

All these massive changes, with only days to from I found a solution and the decision that I could do the expedition until I now leave It's been impossible for me to get sponsors for the expedition.

Instead I invite you to be my travel buddy on my Solo Antarctica Expedition: Check out my GoFundMe

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